Tuesday, August 24, 2010

As a birth control I use the IUD Mirena, I first got it 2 yr ago, Is it bad for my health not to get a period?

This is the one for 5 years and I haven't got a period for 2 years.As a birth control I use the IUD Mirena, I first got it 2 yr ago, Is it bad for my health not to get a period?
your doctor should have explained this to you before you got the mirena... or he should have given you a pamphlet about it.

read this: http://www.mirena-us.com/what_expect/ind鈥?/a>

look under the heading, ';your periods may change';As a birth control I use the IUD Mirena, I first got it 2 yr ago, Is it bad for my health not to get a period?
yes of course!!!! pumping drugs into your body to stop a natural cycle. what is natural or healthy about THAT?
We are meant to get periods so i think it coudn't be to healthy not to get them. Every now and then it should be alright to skip but not having a period for 2 years doesn't sound to good

Is it normal to have a continuous period on the first month of birth control?

I'm taking birth control (Kelnor) for the first time. I started when my period started. My period has lasted 10 days so far. Is this normal? The bleeding is continuous. It's not really breakout bleeding. Will I have a continuous period during my first month of birth control. Has this happened to anyone?Is it normal to have a continuous period on the first month of birth control?
I took Kelnor. The bleeding is probably just a normal side-effect because your body is getting used to the hormone differences. If you continue to bleed, I would visit your gyno. You should NOT have a continuous period during your first month. If you do, definitely call your doctor for advice.Is it normal to have a continuous period on the first month of birth control?
Im on the shot an what happens with mine is you have irregular periods for about a 3 months and then you dont have periods..

yes i think its normal kuz it is messing with your horomones but its always best to ask a doc
  • natural cosmetics
  • Is it normal to skip a period on Low Ogestrel birth control?

    i have been on low ogestrel for about 3-4 months now. my period came around the 1st of last month. it's now the 15th and it still has not come. i took a pregnancy test and it came back negative-is it normal to skip a period on these birth control pills? i'm a bit worried.Is it normal to skip a period on Low Ogestrel birth control?
    yes its normalIs it normal to skip a period on Low Ogestrel birth control?
    On any hormonal birth control, skipping a period can be normal. You've been on the pill long enough it's really taking effect and balancing your hormones and doing all the things it will do. You should get a period when you finish your pack of pills this time, and it will likely be lighter than you expect (especially for skipping this month). However, if you skip next month, you should call your doctor and let them know you've skipped two periods and ask what they think you should do.
    It is fairly normal. If you are under 18, it is even more normal. When did you take the pregnancy test? If you took one close to the time when you should have started, consider taking another one in case you had a false negative. If you just took it, wait until you skip another period, and if you do skip another one, do to the doctor and get a blood test.
    yeah i've skipped periods before while on loestrin. it takes months for your body to adjust to the change of hormones.

    Is it true that you can control your dreams?

    Some say that if you know you're dreaming you can control what happens in your dream...Is it true?Is it true that you can control your dreams?
    No ,u cant because you are sleep .Is it true that you can control your dreams?
    OMG YES!

    it's fcuking awesome too!

    ill know im dreaming and like if im about to be killed or something, i can just close my eyes and imagine im in a new place. its extremely difficult to understand, but it happens to me everytime i think im dreaming and i am.

    and then ill go to that exact place, i dont know what it is but it's soo cool!

    its rare that i wake up though, i control them by just picturing different scenes in my head, or i imagine the enemy saying or doing something different and they do it. i dont always know when im dreaming but when i do it always happens. it can be any dream. ive never really experienced repeats in dreams, except maybe once or twice but it was a deja vu feeling.
    http://www.dreamviews.com and

    http://www.lucidity.com are two sites which give ways so to do.

    http://www.easwaran.org is a meditation method which helps develop soulfield or awareness coherency, which is a step toward greater lucidity.

    ';The Master of Lucid Dreams,'; Dr. Olga Kharitidi, is a psychiatrist's account of encountering an ancient dream-healing brotherhood.

    ';The Masters and Their Retreats,'; Mark Prophet, details his lucid and soul-travel experiences.

    ';A History of Last Night's Dream,'; Rodger Kamenetz, and http://www.northofeden.com

    ';Soul Traveler,'; Albert Taylor, and http://www.astraldynamics.com

    ';Watch Your Dreams,'; Ann Ree Colton,

    ';The Great Divorce,'; C. S. Lewis, and

    http://www.dreamhealer.com are also good.
    'That is called lucid dreaming.

    Controlling in some way, for example, many times we know we are dreaming, but subconsciously we may be suppressing that feeling so in dream, we will still let our will go as in subconsciously and dream about things we want.
    I can if it's a dream I've been having for years - and there are three of them - I can say to myself in my dream, ';Okay when I got to this point and did this thing something bad happened so I'll try this other thing this time.'; It's kind of fun.
    If i know that im dreaming and i'm having a nightmare i try to wake myself up and it works sometimes. if it doesn't then i just repeat to myself ...this is just a dream...this is just a dream....lol
    i have done it a cpl of times so yes, i would say it's true

    How do I get rid of the Parental Control (its on I want it off) Norton Security setting?

    come on kiddie you dont need porn. grow up :)

    IS it safe for me to use a straightening perm to control the friz and volume?

    Please note that I am a latina with wavy hair and that it is already dry and a little bit hard with only a little bit of kinkness. It is a little Kinky but I am not sure if using a stng perm that is sold for creole hair (Kinky, Afro)will work for me or if it will damage it worst. I still need to get it relaxed a bit and a little straigter to use loose but I don't want to spend too much.IS it safe for me to use a straightening perm to control the friz and volume?
    This is called ';texturizing';. You can buy a mild relaxer then apply it to all your hair BUT only keep it on for 3-5 minutes. Then completely rinse it out.

    This method should help cut back on your frizz and leave it with slightly less wave than you have naturally.

    The drawback is it may be a little less soft than what it is now. So you may have to choose between keeping it the way it is now (frizzy, but somewhat soft) or less frizzy, but a little more coarse from the relaxer.

    One thing to keep in mind: It's not a good idea to do this if your hair has already been chemically treated recently (color, perm or relaxer). Good luck!

    Added: There is one other thing you might want to try first ... Wash your hair no less than 2-3 times a week and use CONDITIONER as if it were shampoo. It will exfoliate your scalp (so it does clean it!) without the harsh detergent of shampoo, which actually dries it out and adds frizziness. Then you condition your hair as normal.

    The results of this method are amazing. Within 2 weeks most curly-heads will end up with soft ringlets and waves, and wavies end up with softer, well-defined waves. And both types end up with greatly reduced frizz. I do this myself and it works amazingly well.IS it safe for me to use a straightening perm to control the friz and volume?
    It is safe to perm it for the kinkiness but im not sure that it would do much for the frizz! you might want to go to like sally's beauty supply and ask whats best for frizz .
    I think straintening perms (relaxers) came be damaging to anyone's hair, especially if your is already dry and brittle. I don't use relaxers on my hair anymore. If your hair is wavy, you really don't need a relaxer. Try different shampoos and blow dry it straight with a round metal brush. There's lots of different products you can use. I wouldn't recommend using a perm
    As long as the straighter is a ceramic your fine!

    Has anyone been through Air Traffic Control training? What is it like?

    I mainly want to know if they provide you with housing or will I need to find a place to stay. I will be at the Mike Monroney Aeronautical Center in Oklahoma City and I want to start preparing for the move.Has anyone been through Air Traffic Control training? What is it like?
    You find your own and they give you per diem to cover. Schedule it the day of or the day after you get your class date or you'll probably be spending a few weeks in a motel.

    The link is here


    They'll mail you the same info. Has anyone been through Air Traffic Control training? What is it like?
    Is the per diem in addition to the 19,000 per annum as a trainee that they gaurantee?